

Total Earnings


Stable Vault Opportunities

Invest on yearn-stable vaults and earn constant rewards.

NameTVLYour DepositsVersion
DAI yVault$48,488,343.50 USD-0.4.3
USDC yVault$7,785,256.37 USD-0.3.0
USDC yVault$31,536,444.27 USD-0.4.3
USDT yVault$185,627.83 USD-0.3.5
TUSD yVault$7,069.81 USD-0.4.3
USDT yVault$16,332,827.58 USD-0.4.3
LUSD yVault$248,319.75 USD-0.4.3
Curve MIM Pool yVault$551,841.26 USD-0.4.3
Curve GUSD Pool yVault$159,035.40 USD-0.3.5
Curve LUSD Pool yVault$3,046,554.51 USD-0.3.5
DAI yVault$1,830,369.83 USD-0.3.0 logo

This is an independent tool for the ecosystem.
This app just consumes yearn smart contracts in the YearnSdk, and filter for standard/stable vaults to token holders.

2022 ― Nullius in verba